Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Your ending is kind of... sudden. The character Tyson just pops out of nowhere and your explanation of him ends your paragraph. Not much of a conclusion. I suggest you add a new paragraph of the relationship between Percy and Tyson. The rest of it is pretty neat, definitely got me interested in reading.

Sounds like a really interesting book. The writing style for books is always something to look out for.
Also I find the dialogue really supportive to your view on the story because it is confusing and it certainly portrays a different writing style.
What I suggest is another quote that isn't as confusing but still portrays the unique style of writing. If there is such a quote, I think it'll help us understand how unique the writing really is; not only confusing.

uhmm.. I agree with Justice about how the quote doesn't really relate to your essay. It's also pretty long so I suggest you cut it down a little bit. The rest is too short to be examined :] lol.

Ender’s Game Book Review 2:
In the second part of the book, young Ender faces many challenges from his teachers and his peers.
After stepping out of the rocket from earth, Young Ender and the rest of the first time participants learn about the rules of Military School. Here, Graff, a military instructor who took Ender away from his family, picks on Ender and causes the other kids to hate him. After Graff dismisses them to go their dorms, Older launches start bullying him. He was forced to choose the worst bed in the dorm, and he has constantly been  shoved around.
As Ender matures through the story, he faces many challenges. One big challenge he faces is his genius-ness. Through his life, he has been educated to exterminate the buggers. He has been taught battle plans, military tactics, and has been trained to fight the buggers in every way. In his journey through military school, Ender was challenged by a few peers who resented him because he, a 9 year old commander  boy at the time, had beaten them in a war game and has been placed as the number # 1 commander. He was forced to fight a boy named Bonzo in a shower naked, due to an attempt to kill him. Instead, Ender killed Bonzo without knowing it, and this was extremely hard on Ender because he had not wanted to hurt anybody.

"Ender is a closet pacifist and doesn't want to hurt anyone."
When Ender graduated military school and moved on to tactic school, he was unknowingly leading Space  War 3 against the buggers. Over the battles, he had thought that he was fighting with a simulated army against his teacher in a war simulation. In reality, he was actually leading a space fleet sent 50 years before (takes 50 years for earth spaceships to get to the bugger world) to fight against the buggers. When he had lost a spaceship, he didn't know that and actual spaceship had died. When he had killed his teacher's space fleets, he did not know that he was actually killing the buggers. After he had won all but one battle, he was told that his final battle would be another battle against his teacher but this time with real generals watching him. When the battle started off, hundreds of bugger spaceships were shown and Ender only had 16 measly 50 year old technology spaceships. He was certain that he couldn't win and he had actually given up the battle halfway through. In the end though, he decided to *cheat* the simulation and sacrificed his whole fleet to nuclear split bomb (atom split) the home planet with the -little doctors- (atom splitting lasers). The battle ended with everyone dying and the entire population of the buggers disinterested into dust. Then, the simulation room filled cheers and cries. The generals hugged each other and they thanked Ender over and over again. Confused, Ender asked what happened, and was told that he had just finished off the bugger race. Unwaivering to realize that he had just killed off a entire race, Ender went to bed.
Due to this trickery, Ender was shattered. Even when he hadn't wanted to kill anyone, even the buggers, he was tricked into exterminating them all. His mind was never able to repair itself after this event. this brings me t my point of how Ender is a true pacifist. His character is the meaning of nonviolence. It's not his fault that he had to do all this. In the quote
"So they didn't know what they were doing?"
Ender refers to the buggers. He thought that the buggers didn't know what they were doing; he was right. At the end of the book, Ender finds out that the Queen of All Buggers was actually trying to communicate with the humans but couldn't. He also finds a baby pupil of a queen bugger and decides to help it find a place where it can grow . For Ender to do this is I think really nice of him, and it portrays how much of a caring person he is. He feels no terror from the buggers, and he believes the buggers words of how they are sorry. Because of this Ender is truly a caring human being and a pacifist.