Saturday, December 11, 2010

Response To Luis's Substitute

When i was looking around in Google reader, i found an rant on Luis's blog that I can relate to. In his story Luis talks about substitutes and the ups and downs of having one. In the following quote, he mentions his own feelings to how students behave toward a substitute and i can relate to them.
I hate it when people try and take advantage of substitutes like if they do not even know the rules of the school. In my old school, taking advantage of substitutes continuously happened throughout the year. I admit it I also used to take advantage but sometimes there is a limit. Some people take it too far. Some people try and impress their friends to think that they are hard (as in tough). Kids play tricks on substitutes that makes them look like fools. To me it is funny how some people try and be tough but fail at it. I believe it would be more embarrassing to fail at being tough than being completely quiet. Another thing that I find weird is when a person is concentrated at doing their work so much that they are alone or are not talking. This is weird to me because school is also about having some fun and not work all the time.
 In my middle school, substitutes were also taking advantage of. Sometimes the substitute wouldn't know how the class works and people would making fun of them because of that. Usually the making fun part advantage wouldn't go to far, and the substitute would leave the day happy. But sometimes some students take it too far.  Sometimes an addicting feeling would come up and it's like they have to make fun of the substitute or they won't live happy. It's also like Luis said, about how some people try to impress their friends by doing so. It might be funny to the students but to the substitute, I think, it's really painful. Back when I was in 8th grade, I was part of a painful experience for a substitute.
It was a seemingly normal day, that 3rd of May except their was a chubby substitute who was thought to have aids. Students in her class would make fun of her behind her back and in front of her so much she got mad. She screamed," shut the **** up" threw a chair across the room, and went on her way. The next day, we were informed that she got fired and guilt crossed my heart as I knew that i was also at fault for her loss because I had also made fun of her. I learned a lesson that day and i swore that i wouldn't make fun of a substitute ever again.
I'm really happy I'm in Asti now because the students here don't make fun of the substitutes.

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