Friday, March 18, 2011

My World

1. Fear
2. Confusion
3. Hair
4. My name

Vignette 1- Fear
It was cold, and dark. The phone rang like it was crazy as we spun in circles. Fear build-ed up in my heart, as I had no idea what was going to happen
Saturday, December 25 2009. It was the time for snow. My cousin invited me to Tahoe that year, because my parents couldn’t go. On Saturday he came to our house to pick me up.
“Hey come on let’s go,” David said.
“Alright hold on, let me get some stuff,”
“Kk, be in the car in 5 minutes,” david said.
I rushed to get my pack of stuff I wanted to bring to Tahoe, my ipod, psp, and goggles, etc. After I finished I rushed to the car like I was told.
“About time,” said Brian (one of my cousin’s friends)
“Shut up, I was getting ready’
“You guys hungry?” David asked.
“No, it’s cool I ate”
“I am, let’s stop by taco bell.”
“Ok, lets”
We drove to taco bell, and stopped to pick up some food. When we stopped, my cousin handed me his new phone.
“here, check this out, it’s a new phone I got called the Nexus One, google made. It’s not even in stores yet.”
I took the phone and and I turned it on. A funny looking robot appeared on the screen and it gave me this weird peculiar look. At the same moment, Brian bumped into me
“HEy , watch OUT!”
“sorry man, didn’t see ya there”
i glared at him, sending him a mind signal  that I knew that was on purpose.
“Never-mind,” i said, “lets’ go”
As we drove on the freeway, i played with my cousin’s phone. Every game I played, I lost. It was like the phone hated me. fortress game, fuitcutter, this fishing game, and some other games I can’t describe. After so many losses, I decided to listen to music instead. I gave my cousin his phone back and took out my ipod and earphones. I dozed off after a few minutes of listening to music.
I jumped.
“Hey Watch Out stupid car”
My eyes closed as it happened.
Everything was blurry, Nothing made sense. My world was upside down, left was right and horizontal was vertical. I was hung out.
I tumbled onto the ground and something dropped into my right arm. I could feel the car doing exactly 2 perfect 360 degree spins and I could feel the tires underneath rejecting the snow: grasping for the road. My arms and legs were bracing around my head, my body cold and stiff. I could hear the cars in the back beep as if they were cheering at us like it was a show.  
“You... you guys alright?”
“ya... I’m o.k”
“Dang, I thought we were gonna die”
“Ya.. me too,” I said, “Ughhh, my back hurts”
When I got up from my seat, I remembered that I was still gripping something in my hand.
“...... dude, I got your phone.”

Vignette 2 = Confusion?

It all started on a fine Friday morning. I woke up drowsy, light headed, and extremely tired at 7:00 clock. At 7:02, I went to do the usual.After i brushed my teeth and washed my face, I started to eat a bowl of cereal on the kitchen table. At 7:30, my mom drove me too school and we arrived at 7:55.
    After school, I stood outside to wait fro my mom. I was extremely tired and it just wasn’t my day. It was a long crucial wait. Time seemed to have lost all meaning, Seconds became minutes, and minutes became hours. The sun kept leaving the sky and the moon showed up after every dawn. My eyes rolled up and down, right and left, and my beard grew longer every second. Then it came. The time where everything didn't even make sense anymore. Cars flew in the air, birds drove around the road, and humans oh humans slithered on the ground like a snake struggling out of cast off skin.Suddenly a car appeared in front of me and beeped in my face. Everything returned back to normal. The cars were on the round parked into a space. Geese flew in the sky--- BEEP! Suddenly my mom's car appeared in front of me and beeped in my face. I got in and didn't even want to think if this was a dream. Sure enough this was reality. It was 3: 24, 14 minutes after i gotten out of school. My mom drove me home and left me with a key to open the doors. I walked up the each step and inserted the key into the door's keyhole. It didn't budge. I turned the key back and forth waiting for an opening sound but none came. Dashing down the steps i yelled for my mom's car just turned away from the street. I reached for into pocket and then I remembered, I had forgotten to bring my phone.

Vignette 3 = Hair
Everyone within my family has different types of hair. My mama’s hair is wavy. Her bangs are wavy, her sides are wavy, and her back is wavy. My papa’s hair is short and straight. His hair dosen’t need combing nor any special treatment. In fact, he barely has hair. And me, my hair is like my mom’s wavy and a slightly bit curly. Sometimes it gets into knots and really annoys me.
But my sister’s hair, my sister’s hair is special, like blackish brown threads, like dozens of black thin strings and pretty because it’s straight and always obeys her. Her hair is like my dad’s except her’s is longer. Her hair is a little straight and wavy, but mostly straight. Her hair needs some combing.

Vignette 4 = My Name
My name is Eric Lau. My name does not have alot meaning to it, but it has history. My first name “eric,” was given to me by my cousin. He was totally into this one baseball player and his name was “eric.” My name was then decided to be eric. Aside from it being my cousin’s little reason, there is no other.
My last name is different though. My last name “lau,” is actually not my true last name. My actual last name is “lu,” but my dad decided to change it when he came to America. My dad origninated in Vietnam. When he was young the Viet war was happening, so he had get away (one of the boy responsibilities I think..). He told me that he lived in the mountains for a few months before it became a battlefield. Before it got ugly in the mountains he stowed onto a ship. He left all his brothers and sisters and family members to do this. The ship, however, was then caught by pirates and he then had to jump overboard. Luckily they were pretty near shore so he got to China (somewhere). He then traveled to singapore and met my mom. Considering what my dad had to go through, I’m happy that I was avle to receive his last name.
From what I’ve heard, “Lau” also means angry guy or tyrant in some other language.

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