Friday, March 25, 2011

Sandra  Cisneros is a very peculiar person. In her book Manga Street, her feelings are spread out through the whole book. From what I can see and tell, Sandra Cisneros thinks that boys and girls should not be treated the same.
In the book Mango Street, the main character Esperanza encounters many people around her in little neighborhood of Mango Street. Everyone of them are different. Everyone of them is raised different. The way they are raised are all points of views from Sandra, her opinion of boys and girls are shown in Mango Street. In one of the quotes on page 8, “Since she comes right after me, she is my responsibility.” (8)  It shows here that Sandra wants girls to be treated more differently then boys She believes that parents should raise their girls to be more responsible. Esperanza shows this responsibility from her caring for her sister. Sandra believes that parents should raise girls to be more responsible then boys.
Another example of Sandra's feelings are showed on page 80 and 81. It states, “Her father says to be this beautiful is trouble. [...] She can’t go out. Sally I mean.” (81) “[...] and nobody could call that crazy.” (83) In this quote, Cisneros shows how families might raise girls differently because girls can more easily bring shame to the family. The implication is that this is unfair. This also shows how girls shouldn't be too beautiful because it might attract alot of guys. In conclusion Sandra shows that she thinks that girls shouldn't be too beautiful, and girls should be raised diffrerently for guy because girls can bring shame more easily than the guys in the family.
Most of what Sandra writes in her book symbolize something. In one of other paragraphs she shows tha girls are very different from boys. “Sally, make them stop. I couldn’t make them go away. [...] Please don’t make me tell it all.” (100) This quote shows that Esperanza can't defeat the boys. Which implies that boy can never step up ibn society and will always never be able to beat the boys. 
Sandra thinks that girl and boys should not be treated the same because they are different in responsibility wise, soceity wise, and shame wise.

1 comment:

  1. Couple things. One, typically we wouldn't use an author's first name but only the last name to write about their work in a formal setting like this. So where you have "Sandra," it should read "Cisneros."

    Also I am not sure that the way Cisneros says things ARE is the same as the way she'd say they SHOULD be. You say that "Sandra believes that parents should raise girls to be more responsible then boys." But does that really make sense? That would mean she thinks that one half of humanity should go ahead and be LESS responsible than the other. I'm not sure your evidence here backs that up, or that other parts of the book I can think of would lend support to the idea either.

    I also lose your meaning here: "This quote shows that Esperanza can't defeat the boys. Which implies that boy can never step up ibn society and will always never be able to beat the boys." Huh?
