Friday, April 29, 2011

RD!: ender's game

The book I'm currently reading is called "Ender's Game." It is a book by Orson Scott card and the plot of the story is simple. It tells of the life of the main character Ender who is a military genius. In the begning Ender is described to have been chosen to lead an army against the buggers, a notorious race of ant like creatures who will kill anyone without mercy. Making them perfect killing machines. Although he is a genius, Ender is a 6 year old boy who is hated and confused..
In this story there are chosen ones and unchosen ones. In the beginning everyone is chosen and they receive monitoring from the government. After a year or two, many of them are eliminated and they return to their normal 4 year old or 5 year old lives. to most kids, this is good, but for the ones tht have learned of how they can help losing their chosen one privilege is like saying that they are not talented.There are some, however, that keep the chosen one privileged for 3 years like Ender. These are the ones who are talented and are chosen to go into military tactic school out in outer space.
At the age of 6, Ender is chosen to go into the military academy in outer space and Ender tries to fight his mind on either wanting to go or not. He debates in himself that it would probably be better if he did go, but if he did his parents and his sister wouldn't be there for him. Due to his 3 years of chosen privileges, the other kids around him hates him. His own brother resents him because he was only chosen for 2 years.
Ender is a fragile child. Even with his extreme brilliance and superior strength, his mind is injured by the life he lived and is forced to live. His worst fear is to be alone with no one who cares or loves him and that is exactly what the military commanders are trying to do to him. He is but a young flower stranded in a wide open grassy area first with his sister flower next to him, but then he is forced to leave his sister flower and travel into another wide open grassy area with no one around him but the grass of resentment.
In the second part of the book, young Ender faces many challenges from his teachers and his peers.
After stepping out of the rocket from earth, Young Ender and the rest of the first time participants learn about the rules of Military School. Here, Graff, a military instructor who took Ender away from his family, picks on Ender and causes the other kids to hate him. After Graff dismisses them to go their dorms, Older launches start bullying him. He was forced to choose the worst bed in the dorm, and he has constantly been  shoved around.
In this school Ender develops loneliness. He starts to learn that he must be in power for others to see him even if they are all scared of him. (missing 2cd)
After finishing the whole book I decided to think about what the author’s purpose of the book was. In my opinion the authors purpose of this book is to show how fear is dangerous in many levels. In the beginning, a simple human spaceship went up on a suspicious dark moon to see what was going on. The buggers who inhabited this moon slaughtered the humans out of fear. The buggers have never seen any other type of intelligent life form before and neither have the humans. The humans first tried to settle this by talking, and sent signals to the buggers. However, the buggers could not understand them and so the humans actions concluded un-useful. In the end, with the slaughtered space troop and frightening new life forms, they humans also developed fear. They concluded that the buggers had to be stopped because they were too dangerous -scared of them-, and there was no way to communicate with them. This then led to a whole entirely new war, space-war. The opponent was the buggers, and the home force was the humans.
This shows how fear affects a person and even a society. Without a way to communicate and danger shows up, fear is spread quickly. With this spread of fear, a reflex of ours tells u that there must be something done. A conclusion must be made and fast. This reflex is what I consider, the survival of a human. When in danger, the human body reacts to protect itself.  As a whole world, such a danger will cause the human population to react and try to survive. Fear contributes to this because it is the danger. In my opinion it’s human nature and what the author is saying is that fear leads to war.


  1. I think you might need to add some quotes to add some words since you only have about 800 words. You should also take some summary out of this. It should have way more analysis. Plus, you can maybe add another question that you respond to.

  2. Yeah I Agree with Victor about the adding more quotes, not just to complete the word length, but also to support your summarized views. You can also sort out your post a little better, although it's not one whole chunk of words.. it gives off that appearance. And it wouldn't hurt to support your opinions with quotes from the book.

  3. Yeh I three agree with Victor that if you added more quotes you would have a lot more material to your post. Which would make it better and an even clear view of your opinion better. Also It would improve on your word length.
