Friday, April 1, 2011

Vignette Name Review

In our last vignette project that we were assigned, I noticed that everyone wrote about some similar and different things. There were many stories that specifically talked about their own life, but also some that had the same theme. For example, In Kathy's blog, Victor's blog, and Yen's blog,, all three of them had a vignette dedicated to their name. Their name expressed their heritage, and their past. For me, heritage is a very important because it symbolizes who we are.
In Kathy's "My Name," post I found a quote where she explains her last name. 
My last name is Douglas; it’s from my dad’s side of course. It’s a Scottish last name and somehow there are these two Douglass in Scottish history. The black Douglas (no pun intended) and the red Douglas. I guess this infers that I have some Scottish in me from somewhere.
Kathy's last name "Douglas," comes from Scotland. This is important to know, because heritage shows who you are. Past ancestors have worked hard to past down their last name into the next generation.To know heritage is also to know how one truly is. Heritage is also the energy runs through the generations, inheritance, and much more.
In Yen's blog post "My Name," he also shares the origin of his last name. 
These are all Vietnamese names, but my brother’s and my names are all America sounding....They told me that Yen and Ian sounds alike, and that it would make me fit in better. Then I ask why they didn't just name me Bob or something.  Then I regret it.  My name represents who I am.  I can’t give up who I am.  My name is mine.  
First, This quote does a lot about his heritage, but at least it tells where it is from. It also shows he knows that his name represents him. Secondly, In this quote I can extract two major details about his heritage. One, he is from Vietnam, and Two, he knows who he is. Both of these are important to know and
Names and heritage tell a lot of what someone's background. They are important because everyone should be proud of where they come from. Heritage connects the past to the present.
I have enjoyed reading my peer's post, but I didn't really know what to write about. I couldn't find any similarities that other people haven't already written about so I decided to write about one of the standouts topics.

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