Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Q is an organism who really makes you tick. In Calvino’s stories, “The Dinosaur,” and “The Aquatic Uncle,” Q is a character who has an annoying personality. Q always acts like he doesn't care about who he is and what he does, even though he tries so hard to find to find himself. Q has what I like to call an unexplainable type of control over his head. He always let’s his filled up mind wander into paranoid conclusion and that’s what messes up his game. Q has no guts to face the truth. IN both story something goes wrong for Q and he just lets it past.Q’s character will never find his “happiness.”
Before Q is introduced in the story, he is a dinosaur who left his own kind to hide in a mountain. During the great mirgration, Q leaves to find his place in the world  He travels over dozens of different terrains: deserts, mountains, forests, and finds no sign of any remaining dinosaurs. He then gets spotted by “New Ones,” and after adopting their style he befriends them. During the time Q lives with the “New Ones’ he struggles to keep his identity a secret. For example in the quote, “The one of the observers yelled: “Give it to him Dinosaur!” No sooner had they unmasked me than I became again the Dinosaur of the old days: since all was lost, I might as well make them feel their ancient terror, And i struck Zahn once, twice, three times...” From this quote i could tell that in Q’s head is the everlasting feeling of paranoia. This emotion makes him so vulnerable to the events that happen in the story. This is also what makes Q such an annoying character. His paranoia affects the story in a such a way that gives it a sad ending. A tearjerker really.
Q mentions in both stories that he lived for a long time. In the “Aquatic Uncle,” Q is a fish who evolved into a lizard-ish organism by crossing from sea to land. In the “The Dinosaurs,” Q is dinosaur who is about fifty million years old. I noticed that in both endings that Q moves on because he is different. According to the post in Aquatic Uncle, “They all had something, I know, that made them somehow superior to me, sublime, something that made me, compared to them, mediocre. And yet I wouldn’t have traded places with any of them,” Q is fine with they way he is. In my opinion, Q isn’t fine with what he is. If i were to pu myself as Q, a gutless, paranoid creature, I would not be happy with myself. I would want to change not to be superior (even though that is the natural feeling), but to be someone. I think that Q understands that he is someone, bu he still gives up and moves on. This makes Q a sad creature hiding his feelings through the layers of emotions in his head.
Qfwq really ticks me off. In both stories Q always moves on because something goes wrong and he didn’t want to deal with it. He always thinks that it is ok and he shouldn't be where he is even when everyone is counting on him. For example in the quote: “I wanted nothing to do with either; let them rip each other apart in turn!” Qfwfq has no guts. He never stands up for his “people.” This quote shows that even when he is trying to adapt and befriend the “New Ones,” he betrays them just because he doesn't want to be in trouble. He acts like he wants to run away even when he tries so hard not to.

Friday, September 24, 2010

ADvertising LOST

     This is about one of my favorite t.v shows LOST that i just finished watching up.
In the story of LOST it's all about an island. An island, yes an island, a green island unlike any other. This particular island is not found on maps, is not found in time, and can disappear at it's own free will. The story of LOST starts out with oceanic flight 815 (airplane to Los Angeles from Australia) crash on the island. The first character shown is Jack, a man who is mentally responsible for the death of his father. Jack's dad is in a coffin and Jack is bringing him back from Australia to L.A to have a funeral. Jack is a surgeon and has a huge sense for rescuing people.
     Ever since Jack was born he had always tried to be a hero by protecting anyone and everyone from anything trying to hurt them. Jack never gives up no matter how hard it may be and he doesn't even care about himself when it comes to saving others. Jack's father despises this way of Jack. He always tells him that he is not "the one," and he should focus on doing what's best for himself. In short, Jack's father says that Jack's weakness is that he is too nice. (Don't get me wrong Jack's dad is in my opinion is nice, but you never find out in the story of LOST, because of his "dead imaginary dad") Jack hates his dad, he absolutely hates him but loves him at the same time. He doesn't understand what his dad tries to for him and goes insane trying to find out. Jack's misunderstanding for his father's love leads his dad to Australia and his death.
     In my opinion Jack's character is the best. I love how he cares about everyone and this makes him a great leader. for example, In the first season of LOST Jack stays up for a week 24/7 without any rest just because he's looking after a patient who had an accident form the plane crash. (He starts to go insane but he refuses to believe it and starts seeing his dad disappearing into the jungle and he follows him. He keeps chasing after his imaginary dad (even though he isn't imaginary but he's dead [watch lost to find out more!!!!!]) until he doesn't see him anymore. He then finds himself standing right in front of his dad's coffin.)
     Jack's character does have some weak points though, but that's to be continued :P

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I found an interesting post on Victor's quote:
If I had a super power it would be the ability to create an item by visualizing it in your mind. Others might want to fly or have super speed, but if you could make things with your mind, you could just visualize a jet pack to fly or a race car for speed. You could make up anything you want from guns to fight crime to food to fight poverty. Visualizing items is the best super power since you could do whatever you wanted since you controlled matter.
Victor's quote on superpowers is super interesting. The ability to create an item by visualizing it in your mind is a really awesome super power and i would wa an int a superpower like that too. This superpower also has some downfalls though. Being able to just visualize and item and for it to appear would just be the best power ever. Fighting poverty with visualizing items seems like a really hard thing to do. Focusing on an item to appear and trying to not get shot is just really hard when you think about it. When you connect this superpower to the movie inception it becomes lot easier.I mean if you picture something in your mind it should take a lot of concentration so focusing on and enemy is just a ridiculous ting to do. Since the super was power was used in Inception as not a super power but as a dream everything seems easier. Other then that the super power of visualizing is a really cool power. If i could choose a super power, the super power i would also choose the su[per power to ability to create an item by visuailing it in your mind. Visiualizing an item and for it to appear theere is the best power ever!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Response Post

I found this inspirational quote on Luis's blog:
I think of it as more of coloring or decorating the city. Most of the property being painted is not even being used. I agree that urban art should not be done on important places such as religious places, cemeteries, and so on.  In urban art, there are some rules.  Some rules are like: no tagging on churches or places of worship; no tagging cars or houses; no going over someone who is a lot better than you unless its beef; do not tag your personal property (except of course black books and such); no tagging over murals or memorials; and do not tag on schools. 
First off I totally agree about what Luis has said. I think that murals is an art, and it is very much important to have. I have total respect for the writers who risk their lives do make murals and i think that they should be protected instead of killed. In my opinion murals are what keeps everything interesting. For example when i see a good mural legally on a wall of a building   find it incredibly interesting and my eyes are glued to the graffiti.
But one thing i cant agree legal tagging is the tagging of trucks. There are some really plain white trucks out there in Chinatown and every time i see one i go "bleh." White trucks should have some mural done on it so that it'll look interesting! I agree with Luis that the truck shouldn't be tagged with profanity or something inappropriate like nudity, but if its interesting and legal i think that this illegal part of tagging should be legal.
I have a friend whos dad owns a truck, and his truck is engulfed in a mural. The entire truck front, back, top, and some of the bottom has part of the mural on it.  Every time i go to his house, i stare at the truck for at least half of the time i spend there.
Sorry i entered these late my internet was jacked up.


     It all started on a fine Friday morning. I woke up drowsy, light headed, and extremely tired at 7:00 clock. At 7:02, I went to do the usual.After i brushed my teeth and washed my face, I started to eat a bowl of cereal on the kitchen table. At 7:30, my mom drove me too school and we arrived at 7:55. Little did i know that i had forgotten an important device.
     That's when it began, a quiet after school afternoon. I had forgotten to bring my phone and i didn't remember any of my family's number. My mom seemed to have forgotten to pick me up as well. It was a long crucial wait. I waited and waited. Time seemed to have lost all meaning, Seconds became minutes, and minutes became hours. The sun kept leaving the sky and the moon showed up after every dawn. My eyes rolled up and down, right and left, and my beard grew longer every second. Then it came. The time where everything didn't even make sense anymore. Cars flew in the air, birds drove around the road, and humans oh humans slithered on the ground like a snake struggling out of cast off skin.Suddenly a car appeared in front of me and beeped in my face. Everything returned back to normal. The cars were on the round parked into a space. Geese flew in the sky--- BEEP! Suddenly my mom's car appeared in front of me and beeped in my face. I got in and didn't even want to think if this was a dream. Sure enough this was reality. It was 3: 24, 14 minutes after i got out of school. My mom drove me home and left me with a key to open the doors. I walked up the each step and inserted the key into the door's keyhole. It didn't budge. I turned the key back and forth waiting for an opening sound but none came. Dashing down the steps i yelled for my mom's car just turned away from the street. I reached for my phone and then i realized, i had forgotten to bring my phone.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Death Penalty Rebutal

     Death Penalty has there ups and downs and we understand that. We understand that some people did some really bad things and they should take responsibility for their actions. However people commit murders largely in the heat of passion, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or because they are mentally ill, giving little or no thought to the possible consequences of their acts. Elizabeth and Ashli give a well organized argument, but they have no facts on why death penalty is wrong. Most of what they say are based on their personal feelings. For instance in their opening statement they say:
"There are many reasons to have the Death Penalty. We should have the Death Penalty, because people should  deserve what they did, they need to take responsibility for their actions. If you took a life, you have to give out your own."
     They also say that prisons cost a lot of money, but give no evidence. According to The Death Penalty Focus, death penalty includes a process of trials to ensure that the man or women are not executed for crimes they did not commit. Each trial costs more than $500 grand, so Death Penalty is a lot more expensive then Life on Parole.
     Another thing that the Pro mentions is that: If people are afraid of the death penalty, then they won’t be so quick to commit crimes. Most people are afraid of death more than anything. Criminals much prefer life sentence. We should not give them this option if they aren't afraid of it. However, there is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effective than long terms of imprisonment. States that have death penalty laws do not have lower crime rates or murder rates than states without such laws. and states that have abolished capital punishment shows no significant changes on either crime or murder rates.
     The death penalty has no deterrent effect. Claims that each execution deters a certain number of murders have been thoroughly discredited by social science research. People commit murders largely in the heat of passion, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or because they are mentally ill, giving little or no thought to the possible consequences of their acts. The few murderers who plan to their crimes beforehand - fore example, processional executioners - intend and expect to avoid punishment altogether by not getting caught. Some self destructive individuals may even hope they will be caught and executed.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Death Penalty Con Opening Statement

Opening Statement
Death sentences are imposed in a criminal justice system that treats you better if you are rich and guilty than if you are poor and innocent. Most people are innocent and everyone should receive a fair trial instead of receiving a death penalty."Death is... an unusually severe punishment, unusual in its pain, in its finality, and in its enormity... The fatal constitutional infirmity in the punishment of death is that it treats 'members of the human race as non humans, as objects to be toyed with and discarded. A second chance should be given in life before a death penalty. There is no evidence that the death penalty is more effective than the long term punishment. Some states abolished the death penalty because it was harsh and unusual. Not only that, but some people were found Innocent after they were sentenced to death. I believe that this happened in the state of Illinois. This not only happened once, but five times. "Retribution is just another word for revenge, and the desire for revenge is one of the lowest human emotions. To kill the person who has killed someone close to you, is simply to continue the violence which destroys the avenger as well as the offender. That this execution somehow give 'closure' to a tragedy is a myth. Expressing one’s violence simply reinforces the desire to express it. Just as expressing anger simply makes us more angry. It does not drain away. It contaminates the otherwise good will which any human being needs to progress in love and understanding.WE can have the death penalty but we need more of,
• More pre-trial time...
• More experts...
• Twice as many attorneys...
• Two trials instead of one will be conducted: one for guilt and one for punishment.
The U.S. Department of Justice’s own figures reveal that between 2001 and 2006, 48 percent of defendants in cases the death penalty were African Americans.
Death Penalty shoudn’t be the only solution, Court also gives the opportunity of a job. Judges, lawyers, etc. work in the area of law and spent many years in law school to obtain this job. If the court was abolished, there would be many lawyers who will be unemployed and that would lead to an economic disaster.
According to Russ Feinold- "...Since the reinstatement of the modern death penalty, 87 people have been freed from death row because they were later proven innocent. That is a demonstrated error rate of 1 innocent person for every 7 persons executed. Innocent lives are losing their lives everyday; to add to them by the death penalty rate, it”s just wrong. Every human life should is scared. If i was innocent and got a death penalty, the on thing i would care about is not dying. Evin if it costs money and 5 out of 1000 people are innocent, every life counts because that innocent life may be o.
religion also plays a important part in Death penalty. Everyone in taught that they  everyone should be given a second chance, and prison gives that opportunity. If someone is enslaved in prison all his life, he will have time to think about his actions and confess to god before he dies. If he does then he will certainly go to heaven.