Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pigeon's Natural Toilets

Have you ever sen pigeon poop before? That white wet substance that's glued onto anything it gets it's hands onto? Well of course you have CAUSE IT'S FREAKING EVERYWHERE!! From house roofs to car roofs, sidewalks to track fields, and towns to cities pigeon poop is considered one of the nastiest things on earth and it's just unimaginable how there is. Here are 2 reasons why pigeon poop should be DETAINED.
1. It's nasty. Pigeon poop is seriously just utterly disgusting. The whitish liquid that spurts out of the pigeon's sphinkter is produced after hard hours of digestive fluids breaking down the stuff that pigeons eat. Oh and for a pigeon, the food they eat is nasty too: worms. Worms are the main diet for a bird therefore that diet of a pigeon. Even thinking of a worm makes me sick so looking at digestive worms is a nightmare. Here's a little story that i "heard." "There was once this guy who was enjoying a nice day in the park. It  was a hot day and he was melting so he went to get an ice cream cone. He stopped by a ice cream cart and asked for a scoop of vanilla ice cream. After receiving it he went and sat on a bench. It just so happens that a bird was flying above him and decided it was time to let go. When the guy wasn't looking (for he was checking out some girl), the pigeon pooped and the white poop flew onto the guy's vanilla ice cream and camouflaged with melting vanilla. Then the guy started to lick his ice cream and what happened next is :P." 
2. It's everywhere. Like it or not, pigeons fece without a warning of where they are and what's under them. Also pigeons usually travel in flocks and do everything together like find food, eat food, and of course poop. So if there's a flying flock of pigeons I suggest a run away from it. Sidewalk to sidewalk there is always some trace of pigeon poop. Here's another story that happened to ME, " It was a nice day in Chinatown. After 20 minutes of seat hunting we found a nice parking seat under a luscious green tree. We went into town to buy some groceries and came back to find the car covered in pigeon crap. The top of the car was literally polka dotted, and the sides looked like milk was oozing downward. Surprisingly there was no sign of poop on the nice tree above our car. It was just our Honda SUV that was splattered head to toe with white crap. What a nice day."There should be a toilet place made especially for pigeons to poop in, because falling poop is just not right.

1 comment:

  1. I responded to your blog. Check it out!
