Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay

he first quarter of my high school life went by in a ‘snap.’ I remember clearly my first full day of school like it was yesterday, walking in to second period English class and sitting down on a chair up front. I reminisce my first thought of the class room, “woah it’s dark,” and the tingly feeling I got thinking about it. The teacher came in and we started talking about the usual class expectations, and when we started talking about our goals i wondered how much i can actually learn from this class.
And now that’s in been a quarter I have learned countless material that i fell has strengthened my writing. Looking back at my previous work, and the work i have done in the first quarter I have seen many differences. Not only that but these differences are mostly differed in my blog posts. This is probably because these blog post that I do have a fun feeling to them and have this connection with me.
Blogging is one of the things that has really helped me in my writing. Not only was it fun to blog, it was easy to write about free topics. My first free subject blog post “Forgetting” came me instantly as something i really wanted to write about, and as was typing it I had this t.v screen in my mind giving me sharp details on everything that was going on. It hadn’t even been 7 minutes before i finished typing the whole 400-ish words; that was one assignment done.
From my writings before writing freely was something I haven’t had the privilege to do, but this blogging stuff has given me the opportunity to share my feelings on the topics I want to write about. Allowing me to write freely has also improved my way of thinking and planning skills. When i write freely i feel like i have the chance to interact with my topic and truly pull out the full extent of my ideas. This then leads planning, where i have to plan the subject out in my mind or on a piece of paper. I have also overcome my hatred on the usual dislike of the feeling of writing a essay under pressure and having to do a planning diagram with it. I now realize if i really do want to write about this topic, planning is one of the most important steps that i must do in order to write a clear flowing story.
Unfortunately there is no limit to learn from blogging. Typing an assigned blog post have also given me a chance to really find a topic that i want to write about, and most of the topics that I Want to write is based on what i do in my daily life. When i find something interesting in my life, no matter what it is, watching a movie, having a bad dream, waking up to a cold morning, leaving school, my mind always captures all these memories that remind me of my ‘excitement’ during these situations. This habit of mine started recently like in the beginning of seventh grade, and i think the reason why i do this, is because i want to memorize a special situation really well to reflect on it later. Luckily for me, writing about these situations is the one thing I’m sure i can do, but to be able to write them goo I would have to stop procrastinating and think about the situation more thou roughly before i write it. To me, blogging seems to have increased my habit of remembering these situations as well, because be it any reason I do feel like i can recall these memories better now than before i started high school.
There are well... many times where i do get stuck on my writing though. I always tend to get stuck when i try to make a sentences in a paragraph flow together so the ideas don’t get stuck together with other not so connecting ones. Connecting paragraphs have also got me stuck too the same way i get stuck connecting sentences. Writer’s block to me is a huge mind block that blocks my ideas that are rocketing out of the think tube and trying to break the the mind block to get into the idea tubes. Even after writing for the long time I’ve been writing, writer’s block is still something i face frequently in idea flows. When it comes to the free blog posting I almost never run into writer’s block unless the memory that i have of the situation is foggy; the only times when my situation is foggy is when I’m asleep or i don’t feel like it’s the time to be writing. I did find one not very  good solution to writer’s block though.., and it’s stalling. By stalling i mean think about another subject, maybe daydream, and return to the original writing later on. This does sometimes help clear my mind of the block  and allow my ideas to flow again, but it’s not 100% percent successful, barely 50%, and it sometimes gets the flowing ideas in my mind off topic. Even so It has worked for me so far, and kept my blocked writings in the average scale so it can’t be that bad of a way. Even as i wrote this essay i had a writer’s block, and had to stop and go on facebook, how ironic.
For the next quarter I hope i can write stronger blog pots, and clearer essays to start off.I intend to do this by finding a solution to writer’s block, and extracting stronger details from my memory (maybe even take notes once i get that memory feeling). If I do this I’m sure that writing will respond to my blog pots, and essays and burst through yet another barrier to writing. Another goal I have for the second quarter is to work harder on bettering my working methods. The goal is to stop procrastinating on my blog post and do them at the beginning of the week or middle, instead on doing them last second like i”m doing now. I’m not entirely sure i have a way to do this, but i think if i have the strength to wake up earlier in the morning by myself I can overcome the procrastination too.
After i experienced my first quarter and rocking most of my way though I feel like i can actually accomplish my 2 new goals for the second quarter that i set up. If i have the right amount of will power (80% needed), and believing power (20% needed) anything even churchillian (think it means action of day).

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