Monday, November 15, 2010

3rd Book Response

The last section in Kite Runner was the most disappointing part of the book. In the beginning of the section Amir rescues Sohrab from Assef and ends up fainting after reaching Farid. He then awakes in the hospital, with serious injuries from his battle with Assef, and Farid explains to him that their is no couple by the names he mentioned. Amir then decides to take Sohrab with him to the land of change, America. He and Sohrab meet up with an immigrant agent and persuades him to allow Sohrab to immigrate to America. The immigrant agent denies his request, but leads him to a good lawyer who can help him with his case. Amir then meets with this lawyer, Omar (his past friend who gave him a fountain pen) and Omar gives Amir two options: live in Pakistan for two years and file a adoption file, or relinquish Sohrab to an orphanage and then adopt it from there with a filed orphan petition. Amir goes with number #2 and asks Sohrab to stay in an orphanage for a little while. Sohrab, unhappy with this decision, begs him to send him back to an orphanage, but Amir says it’s the only way and goes to bed. After a little while, Amir wakes up from a phone call with good news from his lawyer Omar. Through the phone, Omar tells him that he doesn't have to send Sohrab to a orphanage anymore and they can go to America legally. Amir then thanks Omar, and goes to tell Sohrab, but he screams instead. He finds Sohrab on the bathroom floor, his hands covered in blood.
One thing that I can’t get off my mind is Sohrab’s reaction to the orphanage idea. It dosen’t really seem like it was so bad to the extent where he would try to suicide/hurt himself. Amir was really trying hard to get Sohrab to start a new life and it looked like he was really interested in America too, the scenes of the golden gate bridge, the details about Soraya, all those stuff. All that went down the drain over one idea of returning back to the orphanage.
Another thing that I was not ready for was the ending. I was hoping for more from Sohrab and his change, but it ended with a smile. Not even a word came out of Sohrab’s mouth after he arrives in America, and most of what happened in America was like a field trip to the end of a block or something for Sohrab. When i reached the last page and the last word, I turned the page unaware that the last word i read was the last word in the story. It took me by surprise and for a few minutes I thought that i was missing some pages. In the end my opinion stays about how the last section was the worst out of the book, because the ending totally killed off all my respect for it.

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