Monday, November 8, 2010

Second Book Review On Kite Runner

In the next section of Kite Runner, Amir and Baba move away from Kabul and go to America. Amir finds himself graduating high school at the age of 18, and Baba finds himself a manager job at a local gas station. New characters, Soraya and her family, are also introduced and Amir falls in love with Soraya. One night, Baba starts coughing up blood so Amir drives Baba to a hospital for a x-ray exam. The doctors find a suspicious black spot which turns out to be a type of cancer on Baba’s lung. His life is then confirmed that it will end soon. As Baba’s last fatherly duty, he grants Amir his last wish, which is to ask General Sahib, father of Soraya, for his daughter’s hands. General Sahib agrees and Amir weds Soraya. Soraya then moves in with Amir and starts to take care of Baba.  After a few day/months, Baba passes away peacefully in bed after he bestows his last kiss on Amir and Soraya. Amir then recieves a call from Rahim Khan, a friend of his and Baba’s, asking him to meet with him in Pakistan. Amir accepts Khan’s greeting and flies to Pakistan to meet with Rahim Khan. In Pakistan Rahim Khan tells Amir the truth about how Hassan’s real dad is Baba. He then asks Amir to save Hassan’s son Sohrab.
One character i find truly interesting in Baba. His actions clearly do not show why he made Hassan with Sanuabar. Was it to save Ali from shame or was it out of his free will? It also didn’t state if Ali knew about Baba’s incident and how Sanuabar actually agreed to be with Baba. When I look t Bab’s character, a strong, caring, and wise man I can not find the answer to my question, “why did he do it?”  
In the story Baba said, “There is only one sin. And that is theflt... When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to the truth.” This quote shows how deeply Baba thought about lying, but even with his own saying he betrayed his son Amir, Hassan, and possibly Ali. How could Baba have lived allt hose years knowing that he had committed the greatest of all sins?

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