Friday, November 5, 2010


Yes, it was a nice summer day. It was one in the afternoon and i had just woken up from a long night of slumber. I stood up, yawned, and plopped onto my office chair that was just to the side of my bed. I span half a circle and pushed my way to the door. Then I opened the door, and started to walk downstairs when i heard my mom. I stopped at the first step and i saw her furiously trotting towards the stairs like she wanted to smack me on my head like she usually does. Instead she calmed herself down and started to walk towards the table. She sat down and looked at me straight in the face, mumbled something and asked me why i woke up so late. I told her nonchantantly that i was up all night reading the ASTI summer reading packet. She laughed, pointed to the right and the table and froze. She looked stunned to see the reading packet not there, and started to mumble something in Chinese in which i heard the sarcastic term for bad boy. She then asked me what i wanted for brunch, and i replied with a nothing. I walked back in my room, sat down on my bed, reached for the reading packet and burst into laughter. I was glad took the packet from the table and actually read it last night. I leaned backwards onto the blankets and thought about the way I was back in my childhood, those unforgiving times of nagging bestowed upon by my mom and those other times where i would whimper when my mom brought the clothesline during our ‘conversations.’ I looked at the ceiling and thought about the intense pain i had given my parents in this house. Thought about the moments where I learned my lesson a thousand times over. I thought about the first summer that changed me forever.
When i was young I used to always be a bother to my parents. I treated them like them like people who i thought were unsuperior to me and I should be the one who taught them things and not the other way around. I was a mischievous little child causing may ham for them wherever they went and took everything for granted.  It was then in the trip to China during my 4th grade summer that changed everything.

1 comment:

  1. This is a pretty surprising piece to come across. I hope you are going to continue by telling the story of your trip to China that changed you so much...??
