Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Your ending is kind of... sudden. The character Tyson just pops out of nowhere and your explanation of him ends your paragraph. Not much of a conclusion. I suggest you add a new paragraph of the relationship between Percy and Tyson. The rest of it is pretty neat, definitely got me interested in reading.

Sounds like a really interesting book. The writing style for books is always something to look out for.
Also I find the dialogue really supportive to your view on the story because it is confusing and it certainly portrays a different writing style.
What I suggest is another quote that isn't as confusing but still portrays the unique style of writing. If there is such a quote, I think it'll help us understand how unique the writing really is; not only confusing.

uhmm.. I agree with Justice about how the quote doesn't really relate to your essay. It's also pretty long so I suggest you cut it down a little bit. The rest is too short to be examined :] lol.

Ender’s Game Book Review 2:
In the second part of the book, young Ender faces many challenges from his teachers and his peers.
After stepping out of the rocket from earth, Young Ender and the rest of the first time participants learn about the rules of Military School. Here, Graff, a military instructor who took Ender away from his family, picks on Ender and causes the other kids to hate him. After Graff dismisses them to go their dorms, Older launches start bullying him. He was forced to choose the worst bed in the dorm, and he has constantly been  shoved around.
As Ender matures through the story, he faces many challenges. One big challenge he faces is his genius-ness. Through his life, he has been educated to exterminate the buggers. He has been taught battle plans, military tactics, and has been trained to fight the buggers in every way. In his journey through military school, Ender was challenged by a few peers who resented him because he, a 9 year old commander  boy at the time, had beaten them in a war game and has been placed as the number # 1 commander. He was forced to fight a boy named Bonzo in a shower naked, due to an attempt to kill him. Instead, Ender killed Bonzo without knowing it, and this was extremely hard on Ender because he had not wanted to hurt anybody.

"Ender is a closet pacifist and doesn't want to hurt anyone."
When Ender graduated military school and moved on to tactic school, he was unknowingly leading Space  War 3 against the buggers. Over the battles, he had thought that he was fighting with a simulated army against his teacher in a war simulation. In reality, he was actually leading a space fleet sent 50 years before (takes 50 years for earth spaceships to get to the bugger world) to fight against the buggers. When he had lost a spaceship, he didn't know that and actual spaceship had died. When he had killed his teacher's space fleets, he did not know that he was actually killing the buggers. After he had won all but one battle, he was told that his final battle would be another battle against his teacher but this time with real generals watching him. When the battle started off, hundreds of bugger spaceships were shown and Ender only had 16 measly 50 year old technology spaceships. He was certain that he couldn't win and he had actually given up the battle halfway through. In the end though, he decided to *cheat* the simulation and sacrificed his whole fleet to nuclear split bomb (atom split) the home planet with the -little doctors- (atom splitting lasers). The battle ended with everyone dying and the entire population of the buggers disinterested into dust. Then, the simulation room filled cheers and cries. The generals hugged each other and they thanked Ender over and over again. Confused, Ender asked what happened, and was told that he had just finished off the bugger race. Unwaivering to realize that he had just killed off a entire race, Ender went to bed.
Due to this trickery, Ender was shattered. Even when he hadn't wanted to kill anyone, even the buggers, he was tricked into exterminating them all. His mind was never able to repair itself after this event. this brings me t my point of how Ender is a true pacifist. His character is the meaning of nonviolence. It's not his fault that he had to do all this. In the quote
"So they didn't know what they were doing?"
Ender refers to the buggers. He thought that the buggers didn't know what they were doing; he was right. At the end of the book, Ender finds out that the Queen of All Buggers was actually trying to communicate with the humans but couldn't. He also finds a baby pupil of a queen bugger and decides to help it find a place where it can grow . For Ender to do this is I think really nice of him, and it portrays how much of a caring person he is. He feels no terror from the buggers, and he believes the buggers words of how they are sorry. Because of this Ender is truly a caring human being and a pacifist.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reflection Final 2

Eric Lau, Period 2
Reflection Final
I have written many blog posts this year. I think that my best would be my response posts to the Dog In the Nighttime. To me, the dog in the nighttime was a very unique book, because it was unlike anything I have ever read. It was also the only book I reread 3 times, so I knew the story and plot inside out. On this blog post, I used a lot of feeling and emotion to refine my points.

“The book A Curious Incident of A Dog In The NightTime has a writing style that is very unique that hooks the reader right when the first page is read. The whole autistic point of view is the one that really catches the reader's attention and the author really connects to it as he writes the book.”

When I was writing about this book A Curious of A Dog In The Nighttime, i really felt the what the main character, Chris, was trying to show. Although Chris’s perspective on the world is much more different from mine, i could feel myself acting as him throughout the story. I remember asking myself questions on how Chris feels about this.. and that.. and about himself. In my opinion for writing to be good, the writer has to feel in concept of the topic he/she is writing about.
Blogging has made my life so much easier. Instead of having to print every now and then, I can just post my essays on my blog for my teacher to read. This relieves the stress of having to check if the printer has ink and the need to constantly go find some printer paper. Blogging has also made me aware of the Internet. After checking my stats, I realized that people from all over the world read my writings, and that simple keywords typed into google search that are the same as my posts can make my blog show up on the search list. in a way, I’m glad that many types of people have been on my blog. However, instead of having them stumble upon my blog as a mistake, i would like for them to actually come to my blog to read what it has to offer. To address this problem, over the summer I plan to continue writing on my blog and on the subjects that I think are interesting and ill catch attention. Instead of writing blog posts for homework assignments I would like to extend farther and write reviews, personal opinions, stories, and stuff like that. Having a blog really changed my perspective on writing. It has made me more interested in writing and think of ways on how it can pull the reader’s attention.           
A blog has also helped me put more emotion into my writing. With the privilege to type blog posts about books, I can express my feelings about the book through what I write. This has really helped me in the a lot of ways.
Another blog post that I think has a lot of feeling and emotion into it is my Pigeons: Natural Toilets.
In this post, i talked about how disgusting pigeon poop is and even added an example to help support my points. One thing that I think really helps support points are daily life examples. I think that these help build a bridge to the audience as they might have experienced the same type.
One of my examples are:
Here's a little story that i "heard." "There was once this guy who was enjoying a nice day in the park. It  was a hot day and he was melting so he went to get an ice cream cone. He stopped by a ice cream cart and asked for a scoop of vanilla ice cream. After receiving it he went and sat on a bench. It just so happens that a bird was flying above him and decided it was time to let go. When the guy wasn't looking (for he was checking out some girl), the pigeon pooped and the white poop flew onto the guy's vanilla ice cream and camouflaged with melting vanilla. Then the guy started to lick his ice cream and what happened next is :P."
In this blog post, I can tell that my story telling skills aren’t very impressive nor very descriptive. While I was writing this, I remember that I was only thinking about writing the ice cream, dude, and pigeon. I thought that it was descriptive enough and I didn’t touch on anything else. Now that I read it over, I can tell that the imagery is blah, it’s bad. However, I can say that my description on things have gotten better over time. Instead of only focusing on tiny part of what’s happening in that scene, I can expand onto what was happening in the background, the scent, the way the pigeon felt as he was soaring and much more. Although I can’t tell if that it will actually help the story, I know that the imagery will improve.  
Anyways, after looking at my previous work, I realized that I have improved in writing a lot. In most of my post, my grammar has went up, and my use of vocabulary has also improved. However, while writing this reflective essay I think that my grammar and has gone down. I’m frequently experiencing writer’s block as I write this so it’s a really hard.
Writer’s block is a real jerk. Even as I’m, writing this I’m experiencing writer’s block. I think that writer’s block occurs to me most when I’m really tired. Because I haven’t been getting much sleep in the last few days, my mind has been really jacked up. There is a way to deal with this though. Exercise! or get more sleep. I wish we had p.e in the morning because after p.e I would be really awake to start the day. Another way I fall in to writer’s block is when I’m not informed about an assigned posts I’m writing through this year there have been blog posts about books where I had no idea what to write about, because I haven’t either understood the book, or read it. However, for this type of writer’s block I have an easy solution: read the book again. even though it might take a while to read or understand it, in the end, writer’s block occurs less.
One type of writer’s block i really hate is when you’re trying to type a word that’s at the tip of your tongue, but it doesn't come to you. This usually happens when your mind really numb from the lack of sleep. For me, there is no other way to deal with this but to get more sleep.           
As a side solution I can also train myself  to resist  writer’s block my waking up earlier. By doing so my mind will adapt  to the lack of sleep and might be able to focus more on writing then on sleeping. Training my mind to writer’s block  might or might not work depending if I have the willpower to adapt. For the next semester, sophomore year, I hope to gain a higher level of vocabulary and improve my grammar and writing to make it more appealing. Another goal I have for the second quarter is to work harder on bettering my working methods. The goal is to stop procrastinating on my blog post and do them at the beginning of the week or middle, instead on doing them last second like i”m doing now. I’m not entirely sure i have a way to do this, but i think if i have the strength to wake up earlier in the morning by myself I can overcome procrastination too.

P.S: Mr. Sutherland, you have made freshman year, a great year to remember [:
I must admit when I first came to Asti, i was not expecting a teacher like yourself. Your style of teaching was nothing I had experienced before and I wondered myself in the beginning if it was good. However through this year, I have found that although it is laid back, when a student is willing to learn what you have to offer, there's a lot to learn. I really appreciated you being our teacher this year

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Game

The book I'm currently reading is called "Ender's Game." It is a book by Orson Scott card and the plot of the story is simple. It tells of the life of the main character Ender who is a military genius. In the begning Ender is described to have been chosen to lead an army against the buggers, a notorious race of ant like creatures who will kill anyone without mercy. Making them perfect killing machines. Although he is a genius, Ender is a 6 year old boy who is hated and confused..
In this story there are chosen ones and unchosen ones. In the beginning everyone is chosen and they receive monitoring from the government. After a year or two, many of them are eliminated and they return to their normal 4 year old or 5 year old lives. to most kids, this is good, but for the ones tht have learned of how they can help losing their chosen one privilege is like saying that they are not talented.There are some, however, that keep the chosen one privileged for 3 years like Ender. These are the ones who are talented and are chosen to go into military tactic school out in outer space.
At the age of 6, Ender is chosen to go into the military academy in outer space and Ender tries to fight his mind on either wanting to go or not. He debates in himself that it would probably be better if he did go, but if he did his parents and his sister wouldn't be there for him. Due to his 3 years of chosen privileges, the other kids around him hates him. His own brother resents him because he was only chosen for 2 years.
Ender is a fragile child. Even with his extreme brilliance and superior strength, his mind is injured by the life he lived and is forced to live. His worst fear is to be alone with no one who cares or loves him and that is exactly what the military commanders are trying to do to him. He is but a young flower stranded in a wide open grassy area first with his sister flower next to him, but then he is forced to leave his sister flower and travel into another wide open grassy area with no one around him but the grass of resentment.
In the second part of the book, young Ender faces many challenges from his teachers and his peers.
After stepping out of the rocket from earth, Young Ender and the rest of the first time participants learn about the rules of Military School. Here, Graff, a military instructor who took Ender away from his family, picks on Ender and causes the other kids to hate him. After Graff dismisses them to go their dorms, Older launches start bullying him. He was forced to choose the worst bed in the dorm, and he has constantly been  shoved around.
As Ender matures through the story, he faces many challenges. One big challenge he faces is his genius-ness. Through his life, he has been educated to exterminate the buggers. He has been taught battle plans, military tactics, and has been trained to fight the buggers in every way. In his journey through military school, Ender was challenged by a few peers who resented him because he, a 9 year old commander boy at the time, had beaten them in a war game and has been placed as the number # 1 commander. He was forced to fight a boy named Bonzo in a shower naked, due to an attempt to kill him. Instead, Ender killed Bonzo without knowing it, and this was extremely hard on Ender because he had not wanted to hurt anybody. 

"Ender is a closet pacifist and doesn't want to hurt anyone."
 When Ender graduated military school and moved on to tactic school, he was unknowingly leading Space  War 3 against the buggers. Over the battles, he had thought that he was fighting with a simulated army against his teacher in a war simulation. In reality, he was actually leading a space fleet sent 50 years before (takes 50 years for earth spaceships to get to the bugger world) to fight against the buggers. When he had lost a spaceship, he didn't know that and actual spaceship had died. When he had killed his teacher's space fleets, he did not know that he was actually killing the buggers. After he had won all but one battle, he was told that his final battle would be another battle against his teacher but this time with real generals watching him. When the battle started off, hundreds of bugger spaceships were shown and Ender only had 16 measly 50 year old technology spaceships. He was certain that he couldn't win and he had actually given up the battle halfway through. In the end though, he decided to *cheat* the simulation and sacrificed his whole fleet to nuclear split bomb (atom split) the home planet with the -little doctors- (atom splitting lasers). The battle ended with everyone dying and the entire population of the buggers disinterested into dust. Then, the simulation room filled cheers and cries. The generals hugged each other and they thanked Ender over and over again. Confused, Ender asked what happened, and was told that he had just finished off the bugger race. Unwaivering to realize that he had just killed off a entire race, Ender went to bed.
Due to this trickery, Ender was shattered. Even when he hadn't wanted to kill anyone, even the buggers, he was tricked into exterminating them all. His mind was never able to repair itself after this event. this brings me t my point of how Ender is a true pacifist. His character is the meaning of nonviolence. It's not his fault that he had to do all this. In the quote
"So they didn't know what they were doing?"
Ender refers to the buggers. He thought that the buggers didn't know what they were doing; he was right. At the end of the book, Ender finds out that the Queen of All Buggers was actually trying to communicate with the humans but couldn't. He also finds a baby pupil of a queen bugger and decides to help it find a place where it can grow . For Ender to do this is I think really nice of him, and it portrays how much of a caring person he is. He feels no terror from the buggers, and he believes the buggers words of how they are sorry. Because of this Ender is truly a caring human being and a pacifist.  
After finishing the whole book I decided to think about what the author’s purpose of the book was. In my opinion the authors purpose of this book is to show how fear is dangerous in many levels. In the beginning, a simple human spaceship went up on a suspicious dark moon to see what was going on. The buggers who inhabited this moon slaughtered the humans out of fear. The buggers have never seen any other type of intelligent life form before and neither have the humans. The humans first tried to settle this by talking, and sent signals to the buggers. However, the buggers could not understand them and so the humans actions concluded un-useful. In the end, with the slaughtered space troop and frightening new life forms, they humans also developed fear. They concluded that the buggers had to be stopped because they were too dangerous -scared of them-, and there was no way to communicate with them. This then led to a whole entirely new war, space-war. The opponent was the buggers, and the home force was the humans.

"The tug transmitted its videos,, including buggers boarding and slaughtering the crew. It kept right on transmitting through the entire bugger examination of the boat."
This shows how fear affects a person and even a society. When danger shows up and there is no way to communicate, fear is spread quickly. With this spread of fear, a reflex of ours tells us that there must be something done. A conclusion must be made and fast and this conclusion is usually violence-related. This reflex is what I consider, the survival of a human. When in danger, the human body reacts to protect itself.  As a whole world, such a danger will cause the human population to react and try to survive. Fear contributes to this because it is the danger. In my opinion it’s human nature and what the author is saying is that fear leads to war.

Friday, April 29, 2011

RD!: ender's game

The book I'm currently reading is called "Ender's Game." It is a book by Orson Scott card and the plot of the story is simple. It tells of the life of the main character Ender who is a military genius. In the begning Ender is described to have been chosen to lead an army against the buggers, a notorious race of ant like creatures who will kill anyone without mercy. Making them perfect killing machines. Although he is a genius, Ender is a 6 year old boy who is hated and confused..
In this story there are chosen ones and unchosen ones. In the beginning everyone is chosen and they receive monitoring from the government. After a year or two, many of them are eliminated and they return to their normal 4 year old or 5 year old lives. to most kids, this is good, but for the ones tht have learned of how they can help losing their chosen one privilege is like saying that they are not talented.There are some, however, that keep the chosen one privileged for 3 years like Ender. These are the ones who are talented and are chosen to go into military tactic school out in outer space.
At the age of 6, Ender is chosen to go into the military academy in outer space and Ender tries to fight his mind on either wanting to go or not. He debates in himself that it would probably be better if he did go, but if he did his parents and his sister wouldn't be there for him. Due to his 3 years of chosen privileges, the other kids around him hates him. His own brother resents him because he was only chosen for 2 years.
Ender is a fragile child. Even with his extreme brilliance and superior strength, his mind is injured by the life he lived and is forced to live. His worst fear is to be alone with no one who cares or loves him and that is exactly what the military commanders are trying to do to him. He is but a young flower stranded in a wide open grassy area first with his sister flower next to him, but then he is forced to leave his sister flower and travel into another wide open grassy area with no one around him but the grass of resentment.
In the second part of the book, young Ender faces many challenges from his teachers and his peers.
After stepping out of the rocket from earth, Young Ender and the rest of the first time participants learn about the rules of Military School. Here, Graff, a military instructor who took Ender away from his family, picks on Ender and causes the other kids to hate him. After Graff dismisses them to go their dorms, Older launches start bullying him. He was forced to choose the worst bed in the dorm, and he has constantly been  shoved around.
In this school Ender develops loneliness. He starts to learn that he must be in power for others to see him even if they are all scared of him. (missing 2cd)
After finishing the whole book I decided to think about what the author’s purpose of the book was. In my opinion the authors purpose of this book is to show how fear is dangerous in many levels. In the beginning, a simple human spaceship went up on a suspicious dark moon to see what was going on. The buggers who inhabited this moon slaughtered the humans out of fear. The buggers have never seen any other type of intelligent life form before and neither have the humans. The humans first tried to settle this by talking, and sent signals to the buggers. However, the buggers could not understand them and so the humans actions concluded un-useful. In the end, with the slaughtered space troop and frightening new life forms, they humans also developed fear. They concluded that the buggers had to be stopped because they were too dangerous -scared of them-, and there was no way to communicate with them. This then led to a whole entirely new war, space-war. The opponent was the buggers, and the home force was the humans.
This shows how fear affects a person and even a society. Without a way to communicate and danger shows up, fear is spread quickly. With this spread of fear, a reflex of ours tells u that there must be something done. A conclusion must be made and fast. This reflex is what I consider, the survival of a human. When in danger, the human body reacts to protect itself.  As a whole world, such a danger will cause the human population to react and try to survive. Fear contributes to this because it is the danger. In my opinion it’s human nature and what the author is saying is that fear leads to war.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ender's Game 1

The book I'm currently reading is called "Ender's Game." It is a book by Orson Scott card. The plot of the story is simple. It tells of the life of the main character Ender who is a military genius. He has been chosen to lead an army against he buggers, who are a notorious race of ant like creatures who will kill anyone without mercy like a robot. Ender is a 6 year old boy who is confused and hated for his genius-ness.
In this story there are chosen ones and unchosen ones. In the beginning everyone is chosen and they receive monitoring from the government. After a year or two, many of them are eliminated and they return to their normal 4 year old or 5 year old lives. Losing their chosen one privilege is like saying that they are not talented enough to help out in the war between humans and buggers. There are some, however, that keep the chosen one privileged for 3 years like Ender. These are the ones that go into military tactic school out in outer space.
At the age of 6, Ender is chosen to go into the military academy in outer space. Ender doesn't want to leave his family but the only one who truly loves him is his sister. Due to his 3 years, the other kids hate him. His own brother resents him because he was only chosen for 2 years. His parents love him but also resent him because he is the past of which they tried to avoid (because of both of their children (older brother and sister of ender) only were chosen for 2 years). His older brother oftentimes bullies young Ender and his older sister stands for him.
Ender is a fragile child. Even with his extreme brilliance and superior strength, his mind is injured by the life he lived and is forced to live. His worst fear is to be alone with no one who cares or loves him. He is young flower stranded in a wide open grassy area with his sister flower next to him. He is forced to leave his sister flower and travel into another wide open grassy area with no one around him but resentment.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Vignette Name Review

In our last vignette project that we were assigned, I noticed that everyone wrote about some similar and different things. There were many stories that specifically talked about their own life, but also some that had the same theme. For example, In Kathy's blog, Victor's blog, and Yen's blog,, all three of them had a vignette dedicated to their name. Their name expressed their heritage, and their past. For me, heritage is a very important because it symbolizes who we are.
In Kathy's "My Name," post I found a quote where she explains her last name. 
My last name is Douglas; it’s from my dad’s side of course. It’s a Scottish last name and somehow there are these two Douglass in Scottish history. The black Douglas (no pun intended) and the red Douglas. I guess this infers that I have some Scottish in me from somewhere.
Kathy's last name "Douglas," comes from Scotland. This is important to know, because heritage shows who you are. Past ancestors have worked hard to past down their last name into the next generation.To know heritage is also to know how one truly is. Heritage is also the energy runs through the generations, inheritance, and much more.
In Yen's blog post "My Name," he also shares the origin of his last name. 
These are all Vietnamese names, but my brother’s and my names are all America sounding....They told me that Yen and Ian sounds alike, and that it would make me fit in better. Then I ask why they didn't just name me Bob or something.  Then I regret it.  My name represents who I am.  I can’t give up who I am.  My name is mine.  
First, This quote does a lot about his heritage, but at least it tells where it is from. It also shows he knows that his name represents him. Secondly, In this quote I can extract two major details about his heritage. One, he is from Vietnam, and Two, he knows who he is. Both of these are important to know and
Names and heritage tell a lot of what someone's background. They are important because everyone should be proud of where they come from. Heritage connects the past to the present.
I have enjoyed reading my peer's post, but I didn't really know what to write about. I couldn't find any similarities that other people haven't already written about so I decided to write about one of the standouts topics.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Future

In the book Manga Street by Sandra Cisneros the main character and narrator Esperanza goes through a story of her life. She begins as a child who knows nothing of the world and lives in a poor broke down house on Mango Street. As the story continues she grows up and goes through a bunch of changes mentally, physically, and . At the last 3 chapters/vignettes, she meets a bunch of old ladies who "predict her future." What is this future? 
In my opinion Sandra Cisneros is portraying herself as Esperanza in the book. Therefore, Esperanza's future can be shown as Sandra Cisneros future. On the last page of the last vignette, it says, 
"Friends and neighbors will say, What happened to Esperanza? Where did she go with all those books and paper? Why did she march so far away?
In this quote, I can draw many inferences. For one thing -all those books and paper- can mean that she went to get herself an education. An education can let her lead a better life and even -come back- to Mango street to     -help- all those who couldn't leave. If Esperanza really was Sandra Cisneros and went to get an education after leaving Mango Street, this story THOMS could be how she comes back to Mango street to help. This also explains 
In another quote on page 106, Esperanza talks with Alicia about "Mango Street,"
No, Alicia says. Like it or not you are Mango Street, and one day you'll come back too.
Esperanza really hates Mango Street, but she can't fight the fact that she's from there. She intends to leave and come back when things make it better, but nothing will. Therefore she has to either help other people leave Mango Street or help make Mango Street better. On page 105, three old mysterious ladies tell Esperanza's future from her hands. They say, 
"YOu must remember to come back. For the ones who canot leave as easily as you. You will remember? She asked as if she was telling me. Yes, yes, I said a litte confisued. 
In this quote, Esperanza's future is already given to her, she must remember to come back for the others.The only way to get this is for her to get an education. After she gets and education, she'll be able to return to Mango Street. I believe that Esperanza will leave Mango Street to seek her education and then she'll come back and help other who wish to have and education but cannot.
Sandra  Cisneros is a very peculiar person. In her book Manga Street, her feelings are spread out through the whole book. From what I can see and tell, Sandra Cisneros thinks that boys and girls should not be treated the same.
In the book Mango Street, the main character Esperanza encounters many people around her in little neighborhood of Mango Street. Everyone of them are different. Everyone of them is raised different. The way they are raised are all points of views from Sandra, her opinion of boys and girls are shown in Mango Street. In one of the quotes on page 8, “Since she comes right after me, she is my responsibility.” (8)  It shows here that Sandra wants girls to be treated more differently then boys She believes that parents should raise their girls to be more responsible. Esperanza shows this responsibility from her caring for her sister. Sandra believes that parents should raise girls to be more responsible then boys.
Another example of Sandra's feelings are showed on page 80 and 81. It states, “Her father says to be this beautiful is trouble. [...] She can’t go out. Sally I mean.” (81) “[...] and nobody could call that crazy.” (83) In this quote, Cisneros shows how families might raise girls differently because girls can more easily bring shame to the family. The implication is that this is unfair. This also shows how girls shouldn't be too beautiful because it might attract alot of guys. In conclusion Sandra shows that she thinks that girls shouldn't be too beautiful, and girls should be raised diffrerently for guy because girls can bring shame more easily than the guys in the family.
Most of what Sandra writes in her book symbolize something. In one of other paragraphs she shows tha girls are very different from boys. “Sally, make them stop. I couldn’t make them go away. [...] Please don’t make me tell it all.” (100) This quote shows that Esperanza can't defeat the boys. Which implies that boy can never step up ibn society and will always never be able to beat the boys. 
Sandra thinks that girl and boys should not be treated the same because they are different in responsibility wise, soceity wise, and shame wise.

Friday, March 18, 2011

My World

1. Fear
2. Confusion
3. Hair
4. My name

Vignette 1- Fear
It was cold, and dark. The phone rang like it was crazy as we spun in circles. Fear build-ed up in my heart, as I had no idea what was going to happen
Saturday, December 25 2009. It was the time for snow. My cousin invited me to Tahoe that year, because my parents couldn’t go. On Saturday he came to our house to pick me up.
“Hey come on let’s go,” David said.
“Alright hold on, let me get some stuff,”
“Kk, be in the car in 5 minutes,” david said.
I rushed to get my pack of stuff I wanted to bring to Tahoe, my ipod, psp, and goggles, etc. After I finished I rushed to the car like I was told.
“About time,” said Brian (one of my cousin’s friends)
“Shut up, I was getting ready’
“You guys hungry?” David asked.
“No, it’s cool I ate”
“I am, let’s stop by taco bell.”
“Ok, lets”
We drove to taco bell, and stopped to pick up some food. When we stopped, my cousin handed me his new phone.
“here, check this out, it’s a new phone I got called the Nexus One, google made. It’s not even in stores yet.”
I took the phone and and I turned it on. A funny looking robot appeared on the screen and it gave me this weird peculiar look. At the same moment, Brian bumped into me
“HEy , watch OUT!”
“sorry man, didn’t see ya there”
i glared at him, sending him a mind signal  that I knew that was on purpose.
“Never-mind,” i said, “lets’ go”
As we drove on the freeway, i played with my cousin’s phone. Every game I played, I lost. It was like the phone hated me. fortress game, fuitcutter, this fishing game, and some other games I can’t describe. After so many losses, I decided to listen to music instead. I gave my cousin his phone back and took out my ipod and earphones. I dozed off after a few minutes of listening to music.
I jumped.
“Hey Watch Out stupid car”
My eyes closed as it happened.
Everything was blurry, Nothing made sense. My world was upside down, left was right and horizontal was vertical. I was hung out.
I tumbled onto the ground and something dropped into my right arm. I could feel the car doing exactly 2 perfect 360 degree spins and I could feel the tires underneath rejecting the snow: grasping for the road. My arms and legs were bracing around my head, my body cold and stiff. I could hear the cars in the back beep as if they were cheering at us like it was a show.  
“You... you guys alright?”
“ya... I’m o.k”
“Dang, I thought we were gonna die”
“Ya.. me too,” I said, “Ughhh, my back hurts”
When I got up from my seat, I remembered that I was still gripping something in my hand.
“...... dude, I got your phone.”

Vignette 2 = Confusion?

It all started on a fine Friday morning. I woke up drowsy, light headed, and extremely tired at 7:00 clock. At 7:02, I went to do the usual.After i brushed my teeth and washed my face, I started to eat a bowl of cereal on the kitchen table. At 7:30, my mom drove me too school and we arrived at 7:55.
    After school, I stood outside to wait fro my mom. I was extremely tired and it just wasn’t my day. It was a long crucial wait. Time seemed to have lost all meaning, Seconds became minutes, and minutes became hours. The sun kept leaving the sky and the moon showed up after every dawn. My eyes rolled up and down, right and left, and my beard grew longer every second. Then it came. The time where everything didn't even make sense anymore. Cars flew in the air, birds drove around the road, and humans oh humans slithered on the ground like a snake struggling out of cast off skin.Suddenly a car appeared in front of me and beeped in my face. Everything returned back to normal. The cars were on the round parked into a space. Geese flew in the sky--- BEEP! Suddenly my mom's car appeared in front of me and beeped in my face. I got in and didn't even want to think if this was a dream. Sure enough this was reality. It was 3: 24, 14 minutes after i gotten out of school. My mom drove me home and left me with a key to open the doors. I walked up the each step and inserted the key into the door's keyhole. It didn't budge. I turned the key back and forth waiting for an opening sound but none came. Dashing down the steps i yelled for my mom's car just turned away from the street. I reached for into pocket and then I remembered, I had forgotten to bring my phone.

Vignette 3 = Hair
Everyone within my family has different types of hair. My mama’s hair is wavy. Her bangs are wavy, her sides are wavy, and her back is wavy. My papa’s hair is short and straight. His hair dosen’t need combing nor any special treatment. In fact, he barely has hair. And me, my hair is like my mom’s wavy and a slightly bit curly. Sometimes it gets into knots and really annoys me.
But my sister’s hair, my sister’s hair is special, like blackish brown threads, like dozens of black thin strings and pretty because it’s straight and always obeys her. Her hair is like my dad’s except her’s is longer. Her hair is a little straight and wavy, but mostly straight. Her hair needs some combing.

Vignette 4 = My Name
My name is Eric Lau. My name does not have alot meaning to it, but it has history. My first name “eric,” was given to me by my cousin. He was totally into this one baseball player and his name was “eric.” My name was then decided to be eric. Aside from it being my cousin’s little reason, there is no other.
My last name is different though. My last name “lau,” is actually not my true last name. My actual last name is “lu,” but my dad decided to change it when he came to America. My dad origninated in Vietnam. When he was young the Viet war was happening, so he had get away (one of the boy responsibilities I think..). He told me that he lived in the mountains for a few months before it became a battlefield. Before it got ugly in the mountains he stowed onto a ship. He left all his brothers and sisters and family members to do this. The ship, however, was then caught by pirates and he then had to jump overboard. Luckily they were pretty near shore so he got to China (somewhere). He then traveled to singapore and met my mom. Considering what my dad had to go through, I’m happy that I was avle to receive his last name.
From what I’ve heard, “Lau” also means angry guy or tyrant in some other language.

Friday, March 4, 2011


The story The Store on Mango street is a beautiful book that uses vignettes as symbolism in it. In there the author tries to portray her thoughts in a symbolic way for the readers to try and figure out as they read along the book. There are a number of vignettes in this book, but a good one is windows.
Windows in this book means a very symbolic thing. In my opinion, the windows reflect on who she is and who she becomes as the story progresses. In "My name," she talks about how her grandmother used to look our the window her whole life. I think that this means that she's looking back at her past self and she's sad that she had left it. On page 102, Esperanza narrates her friend Sally who got married before 18 and went off to live with her husband. Sally is described to be happy as a married women even though her husband can be a jerk. It is also mentioned that she was not allowed to look out the windows. I think that this means that she can't look back at her past, because she likes it the way she is now. In page 79, a girl called Rafaela leans out the windows and dreams her hair was like Rapunzel. I think that from this, the windows can also be who she wants to be. Past, Present, and Dreams. It also talks about how she's locked inside her house, so the windows symbolism could also mean that she looking at her past as well. In page 82, the windows symbolism doesn't really match what I had been thinking about. Instead it talks about how Esperanza dreams about how she had a house where there were big windows, and if you open the little window hatch and gave it a shove, all the sky would be visible. In my opinion, this somewhat is also talking about her dream, and I mentioned that the windows also had something to do with dreams so maybe the windows actually do have something to do with dreams.
In the end, after reading the few chapters with the windows symbolism in them, I really do think that the windows mean the past, present, and dreams. I have to say that I'm not sure how i can elaborate on that, and that this window's symbolism is pretty complicated.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nettie and Celie's Comparison Essay

Celie’s and Nettie’s Comparison Essay

Celie and Nettie are indeed very different people They are looked upon as sisters, but sisterhood does not simply mean that they have everything in common. If it did, Celie and Nettie would be a perfect example for an counter argument. Celie and Nettie differ in many different areas, but the main three that are the most important are religion, inequality, and personality. First of all Celie’s and Nettie’s belief in religion are ranked in different categories, Celie a little higher than Nettie. They also have inequalities in their life even though they share the same blood and share a similar childhood; also their personality differs greatly. Celie has no courage, while Nettie has courage. the difference between them in Religion, Inequality, and Personality are what make Celie and Nettie stand out from any other siblings.
Religion plays an important role in Celie’s and Nettie’s relationship.Both sisters believe in god and in the past went to church, but their level of belief has changed as they grew up. Celie believes in god,because god is the only one that Celie can believe in, in the beginning. God to Celie is a person who listens to her, helps her, and someone who she wants to answer her. In the first part of the book she states, “Dear God, I am fourteen years old. I have always been a good girl. Maybe you can give me a sign letting me know what is happening to me (pg.1).” In this quote Celie expresses a little of how she’s feeling to god, fear. Celie plans to keep on writing to god, in hope that God reads her letters and helps her find herself. Nettie on the other hand, doesn't have much belief in god as to write to him daily basis. Instead, Nettie, shows her belief in god in her travels with a missionary. This is where Nettie gets her belief in religion from as she grows up. As to say she’s from a missionary, Nettie’s experience is unlikes Celie’s and is more on a separate plane of belief. In one of Nettie’s letters she says, “The reason I am in Africa is because one of the missionaries that was supposed to go with setting up a school suddenly married a man who was afraid to let her go, and refused to come to Africa with her (pg. 130). This quote doesn't tell if Nettie actually volunteered to go, so not much information of Nettie’s personalty can be extracted, but it does say that Nettie was very exited to go (not from her own will though). Nettie’s belief in Christianity is also portrayed as she is a teacher in these subjects as well. One difference between Nettie and Celie is belief.
Nettie and Celie are both the same gender, but the way they are treated is dramatically different. First off, Celie is treated like a rag doll because of Albert, and worst of all she doesn't know how to fight back. Everyone treats Celie like an alien, except for a special few people who respect her, Nettie, Shug, and Sofia. This show the difference between them. In the quote, “That’s it, say shug, pack your stuff. You coming back to Tennessee with me.” Here Shug shows her concern for Celie. Celie also differs from Nettie in knowledge. Celie didn’t attend school while Nettie did. Celie’s foster father didn’t believe that Celie needed education, because he believed that she was useless. Nettie, on the other hand had the chance to be educated. An example of Nettie’s chance of education is shown here, “But only if they would teach me everything they knew to make me useful as a missionary and someone they would not be ashamed to call a friend. They agreed to this condition, and my real education began at that time (pg.132).” Here, Nettie received a chance to education that Celie never had. Celie’s life was decided by her father while Nettie made her own decisions. Nettie even had the chance to continue her education in a missionary and continue on to become a teacher. Nettie’s range of education is way higher than Celie’s even though they are sisters.
The last and most important comparison to Nettie and Celie is their personality. If they were together as one person, they would have no flaws. Their personalities differ greatly even thought they are born with the same blood. Celie is a shy girl with no courage whatsoever. All Celie does is follow what other people say. If someone tells her to do something, she does it with no questions, better yet she’s too scared to ask questions. This is not entirely her fault, but she still should stand up for herself sometimes to show that she’s not some robot. Her feelings are portrayed here,”But I don’t know how to fight. All I know how to do is stay alive (pg. 17).” This shows that Celie has no courage. She should think about the other ways of how she would stay alive first, and that is to fight back. If she doesn't let the kids get to know who has the upper hand first, they could play with her too much that her life would be worse than dying. If she could control the kids, she would not only survive but have a better life. Nettie, though, is different. She also believes that Celie should fight back, and gain the courage to do so. “Don’t let them run over you, Nettie say. You got to let them know who has the upper hand. They got it, I say. But she keep on, You got to fight, You got to fight. (pg 17).” Here Nettie tries to persuade Celie to fight, but Celie thinks differently. Celie believes that the only way to live is to follow orders, of what?, of children. They’re little kids, what could they do? If Nettie and Celie were the same person, Celie would be fear, and Nettie would be courage. Nettie and Celie differ in personality.
Overall, Celie and Nettie have many things that they are different in. Celie’s and Nettie’s belief in religion are ranked in different categories, Celie a little higher than Nettie. They also have inequalities in their life even thought they share the same blood and share a similar childhood. Last but not least, their personality differs greatly. If Celie has Nettie’s courage, Celie’s life may have been way better. These three differences are what Celie and Nettie stand out from one another, but also what brings them together. The both need each other.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal to Fermin

Fermin talked about the question. "Should teens be allowed to vote," in his debate post. Fermin believes that teens should be allowed to vote at the age of 16, because he thinks that they are mature enough. He also states that teens should be allowed to vote, because there are many who he believes will play a big role in the society. Fermin make, some pretty good points in his debate post but what I think it's missing is concrete detail.
First off teens do not limit themselves to the age 16, teens turn into teens at the age of 13. What about the teens age 13, 14 , and 15? Should they be allowed to vote? I suggest you about these ages and what you think about them before stating that 16 year olds should be allowed to vote. The voting age has already been reduced once after passing the federal constitutional amendment to the age 18. Making it any lower,I think, is unnecessary,
Also there are alot of students who don't succeed in life and many of them are in high school. To lower the voting age to 16 would allow a bunch people who don't even know the basics of politics (like me) vote, which would destroy the community. Besides most of the power does not reside in the president, but in the Legislative house. They are the ones who decide if a law is passed, etc. Lowering the voting age is like lowering the driving to 14, which i would love, but would probably cause tons of more car accidents then usual.
Do that many high schoolers even read the news?
When one reaches the age 18, they are legally an adult, and they can do w.e they want to do with their life. The age to reach adulthood is a great age to be able to vote, because
1) they are an adult now
2) most of them graduated high school
3) the age where people start making decisions if not sooner
4) hopefully the brain is developed
5) body mature?
The age 18 is perfect for voting, and the age 16 is not. The voting age should not go down, because it is unnecessary, and the outcome of doing so would be destructive.
The 2 years aren't that long, just wait and boom after 2 short years of schoolwork and hanging out friends, you'll be at voting age.

Whew that was hard debating back to something I think should happen. I'll help you out, I found some good quotes and points you could choose from here while looking for my own points.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Color Purple Post 1- Celie

In the story "The Color Purple," the main character is Celie and the whole book are her letters to g@d. In her letters she writes about her days living as Mr.___'s wife. She tells about how she feels about herself and others, giving us a idea of who she is.
In this story, I can tell that Celie either doesn't live in the USA or lives in a place with very few white men. It seems to me that the laws are also not obeyed in this area, because women are being treated as servants. In the beginning of the book, Celie talks about her life living with her mom and dad. Her mom treats Celie really bad, but Celie abides to it believing that she shouldn't hate her mom not matter what she does. From this I can tell that Celie is a nice person with a good heart and she is someone who doesn't believe in violence.
In one her letters she states that she does not look at guys but she looks at girls instead. She also has a letter where she looks at Shug Avery naked and she doesn't feel as a women looking at her but as a man. From this I can tell that she likes Shug Avery and I feel sad for her, because she was forcefully married to Mr.___ without even loving him. In the quote, "I spend my wedding day running from the oldest boy," I can tell how terrible she is treated. Even when she is a married women, her new children make her miserable and she doesn't find happiness
In page 25, Mr.___ tells her to, "He tell me, wash this, iron that, look at this. Look for that. Find this. Find that. He groans over his socks." From this quote I can tell that most of what she does is not for herself, but for Mr.___, she is being treated as a slave and that's not right. the way they treat women in this book's era should be illegal.
So far, I'm finding this book to be not that interesting but I hope that i will find it interesting as I go further in.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Debate Post

Many people would love more time after they graduate graduate college to make a living.  School starts with preschool which then goes to kindergarten and then elementary school and then middle school which then goes to high school and then college and then graduate college to gain a master's or doctor's degree takes usually takes about 7 years in average (2 for masters and 5 for doctors). By the time the seven years of hardwork are over, half of the life before you retire would be gone. The years before you retire would also be spent earning money and trying to make a living with limited amount of vacation. This means that most of the time for relaxation would be after one retires. In my opinion, there 3 useless years that can be getting rid of.
First off there are too many years in elementary school. In the U.S right now, preschool teaches the same amount of material as kindergarten. Kindergarten is basically a review of preschool. In first grade, according to the first grade curriculum from "First grade is also a year of exploration and discovery of the numbers in the world around us." key concepts are taught and so first grade is needed. In second grade and third grade, the material learned is very similar to each other and with a little push, both curriculum can be turned into 1 curriculum for one grade. Fourth through eighth grade seem to have the needed information transcending from grade to grade and so these grades are untouchable. In 9th grade and 10th grade, extra material can be learned just like in early college high schools to create a path for 11th and 12th graders to take college classes.
During the Junior year and Senior year, college classes can be taken to earn the AA degrees or even more which will cut of about a year or two off of classes off of your college life. Students who are prepared to take the stress of college level classes will have the luxury of graduating earlier or learn more to lessen the time it takes to graduate from graduate school. This extra time in college can also be used to take other classes which will lessen the time it takes to graduate.
With 3 years shaved of school, the average graduating age for a PH.D would be a 25, leaving a few years to start making a living and more.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Response Post

I agree and disagree with Jessica's response post about Oakland.
   Seriously, Oakland residents aren’t really into killing however the only reason that people are doing violence is because they are poor and need money to live a life. Everywhere in this world have violence and is dangerous. Oakland had been referred to that it was ranked as the number 3 or 4 most dangerous city in the US or something, however they should realize that there are still rich people who live in Oakland like in the Oakland hills. When I think about Oakland, I think about the word diversity because our communities are always diverse which is something that I really like about Oakland. Whenever my parents ask me if we should move out of Oakland, I would always give them a NO! 
First off, I agree that Oakland residents only kill because they need money, because most of the killings heard on the news are from killing a guy because the guy wouldn't give up his cash or drive-by. I also agree that this world is dangerous everywhere and just because Oakland is ranked in the top 30 or something as a dangerous city dosen't mean that there isn't any other danger around. Because there are so many people on the world and so many gangs, mafia, etc. the world is not a safe place. There is danger everywhere.
The thing that I don't disagree with this or not understand is the part about "dangerous city" and "rich people in Oakland." There are rich people in Oakland and in the Oakland hills, but that doesn't really make the hills a safe place. In fact all the trees and stuff cover the sunlight every night making it even easier for murder or silent killing.
Plus there are snakes and goats.... and deer.
In my opinion East Oakland can be really peaceful in the day and night. In the day everyone is either gone to school or work so that's pretty safe. In the night as long as you lock your doors and like lock your cars then no one will really bother to smash your car if you left it out in the street or in your open parking lot. An car in the open is like telling everyone there's nothing important in there.

Response - College

In the 7- way debate of "Does it matter where you go to college?," I think that What you do vs. Where you go has the best persuasive point because I think that It matters more of what you do in the college than where you attend. I think that one of Martha's best points is her second to last sentence because it basically summarizes her point and talks about the mos important component which is ambition and desire.
In a summary of the findings, the bureau says that "evidently, students' motivation, ambition and desire to learn have a much stronger effect on their subsequent success than average academic ability of their classmates.”
I think that Martha has a point when she says this because if a student goes to a college like SF state and has the motivation and desire to learn and get a good job for themselves, they can easily do it because they have the something to push them even if they struggle. If a student only cares that they got into a college like Yale and has no motivation to keep going, then they can easily drop out and go work in a cubicle while the student who went to SF state works easily in their dream job.

The one that I think has the least persuasive point is Kevin Carey's Skip The Admission Game because he either sounds like he's joking or he's trying to piss people off. In the second paragraph he clearly suggests that college is a place to hang out and not doing anything but learn a little.
They're nice places to hang out for four years and you'll probably learn a few things. Even if you don't, you'll still get a piece of paper signifying that you were smart enough to get in and rich enough to pay for it. People care about stuff like that.
In here Kevin says that it only matters where you go to college because that's the only thing people look for and I think that this idea is wrong. If college was really just like that, then what you get on the SAT wouldn't really matter and there wouldn't be job interviewers to see how smart you were. The rest of his point is just so infuriating to talk about and I think that he just wants people to read his paper and get a laugh out of it while they read it, so that's what i'll do.. laugh lol.